Welcome to Star Public School Mohali
The aim of the School is to give all around training to the child so that He/She may become an asset to the nation. So the role of the school is not only to pursue academic excellence to students but also to motivate and empower its students to be lifelong learner, critical thinker and productive members of a time to time changing global society. In the 21st century, Digital Revolution affects all of us. There is no activity more self rewarding and important than a service to the child and best education with latest technique is the service to the Nation. Keeping in view of this aim, to improve the quality of education, to pay individual attention toward each students, development of students from all angles, to provide them all modern facility with latest technique and to provide education to all without distinction of race or creed or caste or religion, Star Educational Society came into being and got registration with the Registrar or firm and Societies, Punjab on 5th January 1980 vide registration Certificate No. 1073 of 1979-80. By dint of hard work of staff and the Principal, the school blossomed into one of the famous institute in Mohali and all the latest facilities to the students and latest educational digital technique. The School has earned its name not only in the field of academics but also in their co-curricular activities and is known for giving 100% and outstanding results in all spheres year after years. The reputation and popularity has been gained on the basis of best education with digital technique, ultra modern facility with lowest expenses to the parents.

Day Care

One on one mentoring

Role plays and simulation

Pre-Nursery to 10th Class
Academic Facilities

1. All the class rooms are having facility of air conditioning and equipped with Professional Large Format Display Projector etc.
2. All the class rooms are very spacious having size 21 Feet x 18 Feet.
3. All the class rooms are fully cross ventilated having two windows in each room of size 7.5 x 5

Separate well equipped Physics, Chemistry and Biology, Laboratory and have proper arrangement for practical.

To acquaint the students about computer benefits. Computer Education is being imparted. A separate room for Computer has been provided. Theoretical Education and Practical Training is given & the students are required to get themselves trained in Computer

In order to know about performance of student regarding understanding of topics Weekly,Monthly & Quarterly Examination are being held and reports is being given to the parents in the PTM being held on Second Saturday of each month.

Parents play very important role to uplift the student from all angles. P.T.M is being held on Second Saturday of each month & their valuable suggestions are being implemented

In order to create confidence of all the students, every student is encouraged to come at stage to speak for at least five minutes without any paper support so that every student have confidence to come at stage and speak on any topic
School Facilities
- Trained Faculty
- Day Boarding School
- English Communication Lab
- ERP System
- Art & craft Studio
- Computer Lab
- Summer Camp & Picnic
- Smart Classes
- CCTV Cameras
Skill Development
- Cognitive Skill Lab
- Language Developement Lab
Sports Facilities
- Indoor Sports System
- Play Zone Area
- Table – Tennis
- Badminton
- Athletics
- Kho – Kho
Awards & Achievements

Star Public School is the best P.S.E.B. School in Mohali. The school has instituted various awards for the students in academics, games, and sports in the form of medals, trophies, cups, and certificates to constantly encourage the children to deliver the best.